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Ref : T02209

Theme : Looking at Earth - Rivers - lakes  (517 images)

Title : Wilmington Area, Delaware, U.S.A. October 1995

Caption :

Wilmington, the largest city in Delaware, is on the northwest side of the Delaware River, just north of the bridge in the center of the picture (view to northwest). The Interstate Highway 295 bridge (Delaware Memorial Bridge) connects the Wilmington area with the New Jersey Turnpike on the east side of the Delaware River. Sections of Interstate Highway 95 (linear, light colored feature) also helps to identify the location of Wilmington. The thin, dark, east-west oriented feature (left center) is the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, which connects the northern end of Chesapeake Bay with the Delaware River. Areas of deep red on this image are forested and lighter reds correspond to lands used for agriculture. The darker landscapes (lower left) along the Delaware River shoreline are marshy wetlands. The linear, light-colored feature (far right center) is the runway at Philadelphia International Airport.